
黑色的 & 贝伦斯大厅的白色照片.Funds from speakLIFE will support updates to Behrens Residence Hall. Behrens Residence Hall has provided a home for students since 1952. 70年来, Behrens has provided the space where formative experiences take place—where strangers become best friends, 哪里能听到呼唤, 在这里,朋友变成了家人.  You can join us in transforming the lives of tomorrow’s Christian leaders! 你的祷告、伙伴关系和经济支持是关键.



朱莉锤Julie (Joiner) Hammer graduated from HSU in 1994 with a Bachelor of Behavioral Science in Interdisciplinary Studies and serves as Children’s and Interim Preschool Minister for FBC Lewisville. A former member of both the Board of Young Associates and the 校友 Association Board of Directors, 朱莉曾获哈佛大学杰出校友奖.

Julie recently shared some of her fondest memories from her time in Behrens Residence Hall. “当我搬进贝伦大厅的时候, it was the first time I’d lived away from my family or our small town. I knew for a fact Hardin-Simmons was the place God wanted me to be, but I literally knew no one. 也就是说,当我踏上校园时,我立刻有了家的感觉.朱莉高兴地说, “我在成长过程中没有姐妹, but suddenly I had a building full of sisters and access to endless closets.”

朱莉说:“我在贝伦斯的经历并不是我独有的. 世世代代的人都认识了主, 自己, 以及贝伦斯庄园内的其他人. 给住在贝伦斯宿舍的学生, 它不仅仅是一座建筑, 他们对它有一种情感依恋. “Behrens Hall was a place we all grew to love—cinderblocks, dorm smell, and all. Ms. Cul,以她标志性的风格和热情好客,把我们的宿舍变成了一个家. The front steps provided a front row seat for everything from friends’ first dates (or break ups) to Cowboy Band serenades.”

朱莉继续说道:“贝伦斯是我学到很多东西的背景. I learned how to study, about friendships, and about other people. 我了解了我自己,了解了上帝让我成为的样子.“贝伦斯曾经是(现在也是)一个建立终身友谊的地方.

Julie and her husband, Clinton, have also sought to give as they’ve been able. “上帝通过中文博彩平台祝福了我. It is a joy to give to others and share the many blessings I’ve received from HSU. 我的故事根本不是关于我自己的. It’s a story of God’s faithfulness to guide, provide, equip, and bless. I’m so thankful for the years spent at Hardin-Simmons and for the many ways God used HSU to set the trajectory for my life and ministry.”


丽贝卡·乔丹中文博彩平台, Rebecca (Barlow) Jordan is a bestselling inspirational author who has won two American Christian Writer’s 奖 along with the Serious Writer 2021 Book of the Decade Award for her book, Day-votions®为母亲. Rebecca’s husband, Larry, received a Bachelor of Arts from HSU in 1967. Their daughter Jennifer (Jordan) Hanson received her Bachelor’s degree from HSU in 1995 and her husband, 克雷格, 2010年获得HSU物理治疗博士学位.  In 2008, Hardin-Simmons大学 proudly recognized Rebecca Barlow Jordan as a recipient of the Distinguished 校友 Award.

In her own words, Rebecca shared about her time in Behrens Residence Hall. “I remember a couple of times when Larry and I were dating and we returned to the dorm after curfew. 我们不得不敲门,引起卡尔佩珀小姐的注意. 卡尔佩珀小姐是一位和蔼可亲的宿舍妈妈. 无论我们需要什么,卡尔佩珀小姐都在.丽贝卡继续说, “上帝不仅用大徐来确认他对我一生伴侣的选择, 并赐我信心在事奉上服事他, 但上帝允许许, 教授和老师, 我上过的课, and the friends I made to continue building a solid foundation in my life.”

“I enjoyed having one-on-one devotions by candlelight with a roommate on the stairs leading to the roof of Behrens Hall. 神的话语在我就读中大期间变得更加宝贵. God used Hardin-Simmons in my life in some unexpected ways and as I look back through the years to that time. I am so very grateful to God for the things He taught me,” Rebecca remembered fondly. “当我回首往事,我意识到上帝一直都有一个计划. Whether we think we know the direction of our future, or even if we don’t have a clue, God does know. 我在HSU开始了解到一些这方面的知识.”

丽贝卡称自己是耶稣的“日间投票”追随者. “HSU helped plant the seeds of my yearning for a deeper intimacy with God and my passion to help others. I realize that it’s not how much we accomplish in life that really counts, 而是我们给了别人多少. 重要的不是我们达到了多少目标,而是我们触及了多少生命.丽贝卡解释道, 腓立比书1:7说, ‘He who began a good work will complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.’ I’m sure that means He will be completing the work of salvation in all of us. But maybe it also means that God will continue to use our legacies—and the lives God has touched through us. 神使用HSU为他带来改变.”

speakLIFE 25个问题系列:贝伦斯宿舍

Get to know Sophomore accounting and economics major Elijah Arias as he takes us around Behrens Residence Hall and talks about why he is excited that Behrens is one of the projects in the speakLIFE campaign. behren大厅: http://youtu.be/S4ekgL415t8


Every HSU alum can share memorable stories of their time on campus. A key part of the college experience is living in a residence hall where students create lasting memories. 贝伦斯宿舍楼建于1952年,需要更新.

HSU’s goal is to raise $4 million to renovate the residence hall and has a long way to go to achieve this goal. 然而,我们已经开始更换窗户.

贝伦斯宿舍楼是176名HSU学生的家. Our aim is to provide these students with the ideal environment for living and learning.

要做到这一点,我们需要你们的支持. Furnishing a dorm room within Behrens Hall (with a gift plaque by the door) is a great way to honor the past and provide for the future, giving current and future HSU students an opportunity to create their own memorable stories of their time on campus.

Start 2024 by providing for one student for just $1,275 or two students for $2,550. 点击下面的按钮,说出life并布置一个宿舍房间!



HSU has a goal of raising $4M for updates to Behrens Residence Hall, so future generations can continue to experience and share stories like Julie and Rebecca.   贝伦斯宿舍楼向那些进入它大门的人讲述着生命, providing an authentic college experience and a catalyst for lasting memories. 给 now, so Behrens can continue to impact the trajectory of students’ lives!
